
[уреди]У Александријској библиотеци се налазило сто и тридесет драма под Софокловим именом. Сто и четрнаест трагедија је познато по наслову, а сачувано је само седам:
[уреди]Драме сачуване у целости
[уреди]Највећи део његове сатирске игре «Ловачки пси» пронађен је на једном египатском папирусу 1911. год.
Драме сачуване у фрагментима
[уреди]- Aias Lokros (Ajax the Locrian)
- Aias Mastigophoros (Ajax the Whip-Bearer)
- Aigeus (Aegeus)
- Aigisthos (Aegisthus)
- Aikhmalôtides (The Captive Women)
- Aithiopes (The Ethiopians), or Memnon
- Akhaiôn Syllogos (The Gathering of the Achaeans)
- Akhilleôs Erastai (Lovers of Achilles)
- Akrisios
- Aleadae (The Sons of Aleus)
- Aletes
- Alexandros (Alexander)
- Alcmeôn
- Amphiaraus
- Amphitryôn
- Amycos
- Andromache
- Andromeda
- Antenoridai (Sons of Antenor)
- Athamas (two versions produced)
- Atreus, or Mykenaiai
- Camicoi
- Cassandra
- Cedaliôn
- Cerberus
- Chryseis
- Clytemnestra
- Colchides
- Côphoi (Mute Ones)
- Creusa
- Crisis (Judgement)
- Daedalus
- Danae
- Dionysiacus
- Dolopes
- Epigoni (The Progeny)
- Eriphyle
- Eris
- Eumelus
- Euryalus
- Eurypylus
- Eurysaces
- Helenes Apaitesis (Helen's Demand)
- Helenes Gamos (Helen's Marriage)
- Herakles Epi Tainaro (Hercules At Taenarum)
- Hermione
- Hipponous
- Hybris
- Hydrophoroi (Water-Bearers)
- Inachos
- Iobates
- Iokles
- Iôn
- Iphigenia
- Ixiôn
- Lacaenae (Lacaenian Women)
- Laocoôn
- Larisaioi
- Lemniai (Lemnian Women)
- Manteis (The Prophets) or Polyidus
- Meleagros
- Minôs
- Momus
- Mousai (Muses)
- Mysoi (Mysians)
- Nauplios Katapleon (Nauplius' Arrival)
- Nauplios Pyrkaeus (Nauplius' Fires)
- Nausicaa, or Plyntriai
- Niobe
- Odysseus Acanthoplex (Odysseus Scourged with Thorns)
- Odysseus Mainomenos (Odysseus Gone Mad)
- Oeneus
- Oenomaus
- Palamedes
- Pandora, or Sphyrokopoi (Hammer-Strikers)
- Pelias
- Peleus
- Phaiakes
- Phaedra
- Philoctetes In Troy
- Phineus (two versions)
- Phoenix
- Phrixus
- Phryges (Phrygians)
- Phthiôtides
- Poimenes (The Shepherds)
- Polyxene
- Priam
- Procris
- Rhizotomoi (The Root-Cutters)
- Salmoneus
- Sinon
- Sisyphus
- Skyrioi (Scyrians)
- Skythai (Scythians)
- Syndeipnoi (The Diners, or, The Banqueters)
- Tantalus
- Telephus
- Tereus
- Teukros (Teucer)
- Thamyras
- Theseus
- Thyestes
- Troilus
- Triptolemos
- Tympanistai (Drummers)
- Tyndareos
- Tyro Keiromene (Tyro Shorn)
- Tyro Anagnorizomene (Tyro Rediscovered).
- Xoanephoroi (Image-Bearers)